Monday, May 11, 2009

Is technology going too far?

The discussion that we had during our last class made me think if technology is getting out of hand. The thought of having a single device that could be your everything--mp3, phone, camera, Internet source, etc freaks me out. Also, I thought it is insane that there are flexible LCD screens out there because I didn't even know they were possible to make. I wonder how popular these LCD screens will become and also want to know what they would be used for.

After learning so much about new technology thats developing I feel that it can definitely make our generation "dumb". We depend and rely on technology so much that it has made a lot of us lazy. Most people I know do not try to learn and memorize information but instead just look up the information when they need it.

If technology keeps developing so much, I feel that it will continue to make people lazier. I hope that at some point we wont continue to develop our technology. I would miss a lot of the traditional ways of living and hope that we can hold on to some of them.

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