Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Media

There is so much new media out there these days and I'm still not sure if its a good thing or bad. I love having access to all these new media but there are times when I feel like some of these new frontiers can jeopardize our safety. With all this new technology (mostly the internet) there are so many ways our information can get out there and it can easily bite you in the butt. When I hear creepy stories about how people get stalked through facebook it really freaks me out. But I cannot even imagine life without facebook now that i have it. I love having access to all the modern media because it makes life so much easier and convenient (wikipedia is a lifesavor).

I just recently start to use skype and i think its the coolest thing ever. Its an easy way for me to keep in touch with my cousin thats studying in the Carribbeans because we are able to call eachother just like a phone without the expensive phone bills. I also have the opportunity to play fun games like hangman and videochat with my close friend from Boston (whom i never get to see). All this new technology makes it a lot easier to keep in touch with people that live miles away.

Having the internet has been one of the best things that has happened to me, but it can also be a little too much. I love being able to check the weather, read the news, listen to music etc, but sometimes its all just too much. The internet has taken over people's lives. Ill admit that i get sucked into it many times. I decide to take a facebook break but end up spending hours on the site. Its really hard to keep control when you know that you have access to so many things right on your laptop. I'm really excited to be taking this course so that i can learn more about the new media and hopefully use it to my advantage in the future!

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