Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Posting Class Lectures Online

So I was chatting with my friend from the University of Florida online the other day and she told me that she was, at that moment, watching a video of her chemistry lecture that she didn't attend earlier that day. I was confused and so she explained to me that all of her lectures are video recorded and then put on to a website later that day for students who were unable to attend class to see. She said that she barely goes to class but is always able to watch her class lectures through her laptop.

I think that this is a really cool idea and wished that our school did this. There are so many times when the weather makes me want to miss class but I am forced to go since I would have no way else to learn the material my professor teaches. Posting lectures online would be so convenient to have, especially on days like Monday when it was almost 100 degrees outside! I believe that posting lectures online would improve the grades of many students because so many of my friends skip class all the time and are not able to receive the information needed for exams.

So what do you guys think about this idea? Do you think a lot of students would benefit from this? Or do you think it would cause more students to become lazy? I know that it would be hard to concentrate on an online lecture since it forces you to be on the Internet where there are tons of distractions, but would you guys like to see something like this for your large lectured classes?


  1. i think this could go both ways. i think it would allow many students to skip class and not feel the repercussions, but i think it could also benefit many students who do regularly attend lecture. when you're trudging into a 9am lecture exhausted, you're simply not going to retain/register everything you're told, and being able to go back to a lecture later when you're more awake could definitely help you catch those little tidbits you missed the first time around.

  2. Yeah... I have several friends who go to Ivy League schools, and while I sometimes wish I could be there with them, my best friend sent me this link: I think around summer break I'll have time to look at some of the courses. It's a good way for me to take classes I wouldn't be able to take ordinarily.

  3. I don't know about it. I think that for the most part the discipline that it takes to go class is pretty reasonable. I feel this is useful but would be more fit for those who missed class due to something legitimate rather than those who just didn't feel like going. At the same time I think Becks made a good point about being able to catch the little details that you missed in lecture and those who just didn't come would likely reap what they sowed.

  4. I think this would be really useful for a lot of my classes. Especially when I miss details in big lecture halls where teachers don't always speak loudly enough, or if there happens to be a group of chatty people sitting behind me...

    The downfall is that this will definitely encourage more people to skip classes and they may not learn the material as well from a video. However, this is a choice that each individual will have to make for himself. We shouldn't sacrifice the benefit that could come from posting video lectures just because some people may choose to use it as an excuse to be lazy.

  5. I don't see how there would be any incentive to go to class at all with online lecture videos.

    I feel like that's almost a waste of money. I'm not paying room and board and tuition fees just so I can watch videos online. This will sound harsh, but I think having physical class is a good way to weed out students who are lazy or don't care. It wouldn't be fair to the students who did show up to class.
