Tuesday, March 31, 2009

a virtual 3-D desktop?

Bumptop is a new way to set up and organize your computer's desktop to make it more realistic. It actually looks and acts just like your real desktop would look: a bunch of crap scattered everywhere. With Bumptop, you can pile and toss documents just like you would on your real desktop. Its a new , innovative way to organize your desktop to make it seem more realistic. I think that Bumptop is a pretty neat idea. It allows you to organize you documents, pictures, music and whatever else in a way that you usually would in real life. The way you can organize everything is really cool. This Video shows how Bumptop is used and explains all of its perks.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Geek Squad's Story of Success

The other day I was helping a friend out with a project that demonstrated teamwork and showed how teamwork could be used to create a great impact on something. I remember reading about Best Buy's Geek Squad one day and how they use teamwork in many ways that are innovative and really cool. I went online to check out a few articles that mention Geek Squad's use of online communities. And what do you know, they use a lot of different online communities to brain storm new ideas, manage projects, help eachother with service tips, and socialize with the workers.

I found an article on Business Week, called the Wiki Workplace, that shows how the Geek Squad uses a wiki page in order to keep in touch. Robert Stephens (the founder of the Geek Squad) explained how the Geek Squad loves using online communities because they are so much more convenient than all the fancy programming networks and not to mention a lot cheaper!

What I found really cool is the Geek Squad's unique use of online communities that makes keeping in touch fun for them. With employees all across the nation, the Geek Squad uses online games (such as Battlefield 2) to keep in touch with one another while having a good time. The game's server allows 128 people to simultaneously fight one another in a virtual environment. While doing this, the Geek Squad members wear headsets and use special software so that they can talk over the Internet. This is a fun, innovative way for the Geek Squad to keep in touch with one another.

In the past 3 years the Geek Squad has grown from 60 members to 12,000 members. I believe that their use of online communities has helped them become a success due to the use of unique ways to collaborate with one another. This article shows a perfect use of online communities that help benefit the workplace.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Digital Health Care Records?

The thought of digitalizing health records seems very risky but also seems almost necessary. With global warming being such a huge issue these days, we need to find every possible way be more green. Digitalization is the most green you can get! With everything done on the computer, there would be a huge decrease in the use of paper in all doctor's offices and hospitals. This is the type of change that we need to see these days.

However, there are many risks included in digitalizing health records. It is a lot easier for people to hack into files that are on the internet. There may be better ways to make it easier to access these health records. For example, inserting a chip into everyone's skin that included all their health records and other things could potentially be a good idea. This would be easy and extremely eco-friendly. Also, it would hard for hackers to get into. Of coarse this also has a downside to it (as does everything else). I feel like putting everyone's health record on the internet can be very dangerous because there are so many good hackers out there, so having some alternative plans (like the chip in skin) should be something that we should think about.

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